Dual Survival: untold stories about the show

Dual Survival is a prominent American reality television series airing on Discovery Channel. This reality show explores survival skills in extreme situations and environments with a predetermined approach. The series draws its hype from a couple of skillful survivors in the worst of all conditions. When it is time for Dual Survival, you know a new challenge is coming up. However, what about the untold stories from behind the scenes?

It is unimaginable for an ordinary person to survive horrible conditions without an open wound. That is not always the case for all the Dual Survival cast members. These stars take pride in their heightening glory but hardly opened up about their failed moments. Leaked facts from the production of Dual Survival reveals what you missed after watching all the episodes.

10 secrets you should know about Dual Survival

The Dual Survival show is highly engaging and inspirational for nature enthusiasts. More so, the cast emphasizes on survival as a superior way of living beyond natural human means. The classy display of successful survival attempts is not without stains.

1. Is it real survival or survival entertainment?

Drama is a fundamental ingredient in any television network production. For this reason, it is almost impossible to display the scariest part of survival without plugging in a dose of entertainment.

This straightforward reality explains why the Dual Survival producers included a disclaimer to inform viewers that not all the scenes are raw as they may assume. Is the show dual survival real? Like any other television show, Dual survival is vulnerable to scenes that may otherwise not reflect wild reality. However, it is essential to note that the show includes enough scenes that are practical in real life.

2. Cody had a legal issue against Discovery Channel

The actor was not happy with the mistreatment he received. Apart from Teti wanting to harm him, Cody was unhappy with the unfair treatment he received from the Disney Channel crew.

Lundin strongly believes that the producers and editors deliberately portrayed his skillset as being inferior for the character. He further claimed that the poor quality production has declined his reputation and ratings for making him appear as a crazy amateur.

3. Discovery Channel confused Dual Survival with Dual Survivor

The channel recorded a terrible fail when it was first announcing the show on YouTube. A simple misspelling of "Survivor" instead of "Survival" attracted considerable attention.

It is the correct voice-over and graphics in the video that saved the day. It turned out that Dual survivor was the initial title of the show before switching to Dual Survival. Speculations hold that Discovery Channel did not receive a memo highlighting the change on time.

4. Joe Teti allegedly lied about his military training

Discovery Channel settled on Joe Teti as a replacement for Dave Canterbury. At first, it never occurred to the channel officials that Teti had falsely included military qualifications in his resume.

Having served in the military, Teti lied about completing all the required courses in Special Forces Sniper and Special Forces Combat. He later turned out to be a liar when no records of his details were found on the Special Forces schools record.

5. Matt Graham lied about mentoring Codsy

The Dual Survival star ended in trouble for lying that he was Cody's instructor. Sources indicate that Graham picked the lie to win a product endorsement from a well-known company.

The busted deception happened amid dual survival cast changes shortly after the show had fired Lundin. In an attempt to seek clarity from Lundin, the company learned that Graham had lied to them. The two survivalists have since remained at a standoff.

6. Cody Lundin lost his job because of health and safety concerns

Why did Cody leave Dual Survival? Disagreements ended with Lundin fired from Dual Survival. Health and safety caused Lundin to lose his job. In one occasion, the producer asked him to enter into freezing water for a hypothermia scene.

Failure to comply with this request saw Cody walking away from the job he had dreamt for the whole of his life. Cody's four-year stay with the Dual Survival cast ended in a rather unlikely way. He later went public with regrets of losing his family of followers and an opportunity of teaching the world survival skills.

7.Some scenes got Dual Survival crew in trouble

Foul play is an experience that most television producers deal with on a regular basis, and Dual Survival is no exception. The show has a few cracks, especially when it comes to staged scenes and impractical extremes.

Viewers with the eye of an eagle were quick to point out the smallest flaws in the series. A case in point is a scene in which a red tips book of matches from Graham turned green in Joe Teti's hands. The same turned red again when handed back to Graham.

8. Discovery Channel once cancelled Dual Survival

Is dual survival cancelled? The show almost faced a total cancellation in 2015 about the same time when Joe Teti left. Subsequent seasons were strenuous and less charming. Dual Survival released its last episode in 2016 and has since remained silent.

Is dual survival coming back? There is still hope for the show to survive even as the long pause suggests slim chances of a powerful comeback.

9. The feud between Joe Teti and Cody Lundin

The two are longtime rival actors who could not stand each other's presence back in the days. Teti allegedly kept Cody on his toes with violent expressions as soon as the set was over.

Dual Survival death threats against Cody became a huge concern when Teti started burying him with weaponry. What happened to Joe and Matt on Dual Survival? The two have since parted way, but the memory of Teti wanting to use a spear on Cody still lingers in his mind.

10. Sticky Stickly is the narrator

The talking stick from the 90s made a strong comeback with a narration in the Dual Survival. The hilarious narration took the show to another level. In addition, Paul Christie would not miss the voice experience.

Behind the once-famous Dual Survival are several untold stories worth knowing. However, the show is intact and reputable even as fans keep wishing for the daybreak of one more season.

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According to the Gregorian calendar, it is 2021. However, the Ethiopian calendar reads 2013. Some of the holidays in this calendar are Adwa Victory Day on 2 March, Ethiopian Good Friday on 30th April, and Labour Day on 1st May.
